St. Paul’s Evangelical and Reformed Church, UCC, is located at 6464 East Lovers Lane, Dallas, TX 75214. (Telephone number: (214) 368-7788)
The Church, established in 1890, is celebrating its 133th Anniversary this year. It is one of the oldest churches in Dallas. It has been at its present location since April 7, 1957.
The Church is uniquely located at the geographic heart of Dallas and is conveniently reached from any part of the City.
The congregation is wonderfully warm and welcomes all who are in attendance to fellowship and join us as we pursue St. Paul’s Journey of Faith in the future.
Rev. Kayla Coffee-Prose began her ministry with St. Paul's on Sunday, May 19, 2019.
More details to follow. Please greet her at .
Will Kanute, Organist, Choirmaster
Will Kanute was born, raised and lived in Connecticut almost exclusively before moving to Dallas in July 2012. He attended and graduated summa cum laude from Westminister Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey with degrees in Sacred Music, English Literature and a minor in German Literature for which he received the Goethe Prize of the Federal Republic of Germany for outstanding work in the field. He has served as music director and interim at various churches throughout Connecticut.
Before coming to St. Paul's, he served as music director of the Rocky Hill Congregational Church (Congregational/UCC) from 1999 through 2012. There he directed the adult, youth, children's and handbell choirs. His adult and handbell choirs made concert tours of Stockholm, Sweden and Charleston, South Carolina and Will played organ recitals in both locations. While in Connecticut, he also was active in the Connecticut Sangerbund directing two choirs in the organization -- the Hartford Sangerbund and the Meriden Liedertafel -- winning many first-prizes along the way at the annual Sangerfest.
Will feels especially blessed to have found a home at St. Paul's. Finding a UCC church in Dallas would have been enough but a UCC church with German roots and a real love for good music and a warm welcoming spirit-filled congregation is more than anyone could ask for.
Will Kanute
Florence Wellman grew up in Marlin, TX, and she and her husband Don moved to Dallas in 1961 after he got out of the army. They began attending St. Paul’s Church at that time. In June of 1973 she began her duties as Church Secretary. She feels blessed to have been associated with the ministers and members of St. Paul’s Church for these many years. Florence’s family includes three children and their spouses.
Julien Adam
President (Elder)
Tom Corkery
Vice-President (Elder)
Marilyn Ender-Blume
Treasurer (Deacon)
Shelly Vega
Financial Secretary (Deacon)
Betty Bartos
Secretary (Deacon)
Alma Wood (Elder)
Judy Deering (Deacon)
Pat Barnett (Elder)
St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church (United Church of Christ) began her journey from the roots of Swiss Reform and German Evangelical with founding members from German and Swiss immigrants as well as Americans of that heritage. In November 1889 the German Evangelical Synod of North America sent the Reverend Heinrich Siegfried to Dallas for the purpose of formally establishing an Evangelical congregation. On December 1, 1889, the first Sunday of the Advent season, the first divine service was held in the former German Presbyterian Church at the corner of Texas and Liberty (now Florence) Streets. The formal organization took place later on New Year's Day, January 1, 1890. The sermon text for that Sunday was taken from Hebrews 10:23-25:
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Eleven charter members (all men) signed the constitution on April 27, 1890, and four named trustees signed the charter on June 14, 1890, being chartered by the city of Dallas as the Deutsche Evangelische St. Pauls Gemeinde [German Evangelical St. Pauls Church]. The Texas Secretary of State endorsed the charter on June 25, 1890, and the church formally joined the German Evangelical Synod of North America on June 29, 1890.
In 1921 at the General Synod meeting, the body resolved to drop the word "German" from the name of the Synod, effective October 1, 1922. In June 1934, at Cleveland, Ohio, the subsequent Evangelical and Reformed Church was formed. (From that, the E&R Church merged into the UCC in 1957.)
In 1952, due to the growth of the congregation and the changing neighborhood at Texas and Florence Streets, the time was ripe for the church to relocate. A building fund had been started, and a search for a new site was underway.
A site was selected in a new development at the northern edge of the city of Dallas, where Lovers Lane ended in the country. St. Paul's new church building at 6464 East Lovers Lane was dedicated on April 7, 1957.
In June 1957, at Cleveland, Ohio, the Congregational Christian Churches and the Evangelical and Reformed Churches merged into the United Church of Christ.
In 1985, in order to reclaim the church's original identity, the congregation changed the corporate name to "St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church (United Church of Christ)."
St. Paul’s has a history of involvement in the community as well as at the Association, Conference and National levels of the United Church of Christ. Through challenge and adversity, she has survived, growing stronger with each experience.
This banner is in honor of St. Paul’s Veterans of the Armed Forces. Veterans represented by this banner served in the Spanish American War, Philippine-American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, and Iraq.
Thirty-nine of the men and women on this banner served our country during World War II. Sixteen were members of the church at the time of entry into the war. This was from a congregation whose membership, at the time, numbered less than 250. Some received wounds that have been life-long burdens. These men and women are part of the proud history and heritage of St. Paul’s Church.
Contact Don Wellman for comments, questions or additional information.